For over 15 years, we’ve worked with clients to help them achieve their organizational goals and build healthy communities. Here are some examples of the work that we do.
BC Council for Families
- Developing the organization’s first business plan, which enabled it to thrive after losing 65% of its core funding.
Rumble Productions
- Developing a three year strategic plan to create organizational sustainability and stability for this mid-sized, West Coast theatre company.
Divisions of Family Practice – Provincial Office
- Developing a strategic plan and implementation strategy to guide the organization from start-up phase through to maturity.
District of West Vancouver
- Developing a visual arts strategy involving stakeholder consultation and workshop facilitation. The strategy will inform the development and launch of a new art museum as part of the District’s revitalization strategy.
Organizational Design
Divisions of Family Practice – Provincial Office
- Carrying out a needs assessment to gain an understanding of current and proposed work requirements. Building a staffing strategy to secure appropriate type/number of staff and identifying budget requirements.
Practice Support and Quality
- Developing a report (capacity assessment) identifying opportunities for redeployment of existing resources to better address needs and the additional resources required to support the work.
HR Council for the NonProfit Sector
- Researching and developing the organization’s first training implementation strategy to make HR management training accessible to the 85,000 registered charities in Canada.
Partnership Development
Ministry of Human Resources
- Identifying partnership opportunities for government with outside agencies to leverage public funds and provide enhanced services to British Columbians.
Ministry of Children and Family Development
- Identifying potential partners, facilitating conversations between representatives from each sector and developing the final partnership framework for the Early Children Development Provincial Partnership between United Ways of BC, Credit Unions of BC and the Ministry of Children and Family Development.
Knowledge Network
- Creating a community resource package consisting of a four part television series and a community workbook. The television series featured case studies integrated into curricula related to community/economic development, public administration, policy development, social marketing and not-for-profit management. A partnership between the Ministry of Community Development, Cooperatives and Volunteers, and the Sirolli Institute – Enterprise Facilitation and Knowledge Network.
Vancouver Art Gallery
- Facilitating a strategic planning process with senior management (12 participants) to support the realization of a new, purpose-built facility.
BC Children’s Hospital Association
- Preparing and facilitating a one-day retreat for emergency room physicians (20 participants) to build a shared vision for the department that all participants supported.
Ministry of Health
- Planning, developing and delivering a two-day highly engaging and interactive opportunity (300 participants) to review integration of primary and community care from a province and system-wide perspective. Consulting with stakeholders across the five health regions including physicians, health care administrators, patients, not-for-profit organizations and allied health care professionals.
Shared Care Committee
- Planning, developing and delivering the first provincial Shared Care Forum (300 participants) to demonstrate the direct impact that provincially provided funding has on the ground in BC communities.