Missed the Vantage Point podcast? The recording is available now.

podcastimageIf you didn’t get a chance to tune in Gayle Farrell’s guest turn on Tuesday’s From Our Vantage Point podcast, it’s not too late. You can check out the recording of Gayle’s 15-minute chat with host Maria Turnbull about “Learning through human connections: the human advantage over Google” on Vantage Point.

Gayle and Maria discuss how social learning can help distributed workforces share their knowledge and mentorship, how leaders can help team members connect informally, and the unique two-way benefits that result. For leaders who want to be more intentional about building learning opportunities into their daily interactions, it’s a thought-provoking and encouraging conversation that explores why every day is a school day – in a fun way.

How do you foster informal learning at your organization? Drop us a line and share your ideas!